Dedicado a mis proyectos en Gambas ,un lenguaje de programación parecido al Visual Basic + Java pero ampliamente mejorado y...¡¡para gnu/linux!!.La potencia del gnu/linux sumada a la facilidad del Basic

Consultas, Desarrollo de programas y petición de presupuestos:

domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Gambas2: My programs

Gambas2: My programsDedicated to my projects in Gambas, a programming language like Java Visual Basic + Java .. but vastly improved for gnu / linux!. The power of Linux coupled with the ease of Basic.

After studying visits entering the blog, most Spanish-speaking countries, I will make an effort to publish the blog in 2 languages for greater internationalization of the same, in addition to publishing the manual in other languages to reach more users , and publicize Ubuntu, gambas2 GNU / Linux and the free software philosophy.

I hope you enjoy it and be useful this new phase.

The softwarefree is not free software (cheap), but free (freedom), and therefore request donations through paypal to my account in order to develop and improve so many programs, manuals, video tutorials, etc.