Dedicado a mis proyectos en Gambas ,un lenguaje de programación parecido al Visual Basic + Java pero ampliamente mejorado y...¡¡para gnu/linux!!.La potencia del gnu/linux sumada a la facilidad del Basic

Consultas, Desarrollo de programas y petición de presupuestos:

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

The traffic signal is already taken .... John

It was 8.00 in the morning, John came to light walk on the sidewalk. For months there was nothing, I crossed every morning to go to work, that work was no longer ... That light that had so often crossed with your car now can walk to it ...
Carrying a small bag full of handkerchiefs and air fresheners, was his first day of "work", and did not charge anything, unemployment and family assistance, and was about to lose home. The bank sought and bills kept coming home unaffordable ... His wife and children had gone to live with the mother. She and her small pension barely could support. He no longer ....

The light turned red, and headed to the car windows to offer their goods ... told him not to acts of the head or hands, others closed the window directly so they will not bother ... They did the same thing to him months ago when a black man approached her to sell her scarves ....

Turned green, the cars began to move, and had to return to the sidewalk ...

Was approached by a black man, also with his bag of scarves ... recognized him as he approached ... It was always was when he spent with his car ... that never gave anything, of course, had a great hurry, and always thought "you have to do is find a job under your country or re .. .

And he said, "Hey paisa ...., this is my years here I have light ...."
Heard his words and looked at him in shame, helplessness and anger .... and he went to answer ...

But the bold went on: "We can share, as I do with my brothers" and pointed to other Negroes who were in the other lights.

And he said, puzzled, "sharing how?"

He replied: "As each one sells what he can, and at the end of the day gather all the money we have managed to buy rice and potatoes, we make a fire and boil in a saucepan. So we can eat everyone, even those who have not sold anything ...."

No sales that day, but ate ... they shared with him his stew of rice and potatoes ...

For the first time, seeing their way of life, understood them, and taught him an important lesson:
"Poverty and humility of a people, do not prevent ea respectable and can learn from them"

Our ruling class "caste politics" (John) do not know how much a coffee or a Bonobus say that "what matters is the picture," things are done by "decretazo" and / or "his balls" allow the positions are the buddy and plugged the ruling party, instead they are the most qualified.
Are blind or falcons, as they see fit, and looking the other way in cases of corruption if they happen in full, but yes, if the opposite party "after them" like wolves.

In Greece, the birthplace of democracy, a politician was the most respected by his people as it looked before the common good than his own ...

Maybe the people (the black history), I have to teach something important:
"Being a true political"